Extractions in Seattle, WA

It’s very common for most people to require a tooth extraction. An extraction is a general dentistry procedure in which one or more teeth are professionally removed from their sockets. In most cases, extractions are performed during a scheduled in-office appointment with our dentists near you.

Dental extractions in Seattle, WA may be worrying, especially for children who may be nervous about having a tooth pulled. However, extractions are an important part of restoring and maintaining good oral health when teeth require professional removal. Extractions can also play a role in preventing serious dental problems in the future. 3rd & Columbia Dental offers extractions near you in a safe, professional environment.

Reasons for Extractions

The most common dental extractions are performed on patients with stubborn baby teeth in childhood or wisdom teeth in early adulthood. There are many other reasons why our dentists near you may need to extract one or more teeth. Here are some situations in which patients would need extractions:

  • Irreparable tooth decay
  • Serious tooth infection
  • Presence of extra teeth
  • Overcrowding of teeth in the mouth
  • Preparation for orthodontic treatment

Extractions are considered routine procedures, usually performed during an outpatient office visit with our dentists in Seattle, WA. If the tooth to be extracted is within the gum, impacted, or broken, the process is more complex.

Extractions Near You

Extractions are simple for teeth that have pushed through the gums and are visible in the mouth. Our dentists near you provide a local anesthetic to numb the area surrounding the affected tooth. Using professional tools, the tooth to be extracted is loosened and then removed.

For routine dental extractions, the recovery is also simple. Depending on the type of extraction, our dentists may recommend that patients temporarily limit physical activity. Any prescribed medications should be taken as directed, and patients are advised to eat soft foods at room temperature. In addition, patients should brush their teeth carefully so as not to disturb healing in the socket of the extracted tooth.

Extractions are common, straightforward procedures in most cases, with effective results. Contact 3rd & Columbia Dental for information about extractions near you.

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